- Athletics Reflection:
- What was the most enjoyable part of athletics for you? Why? When I finished running because I new that it was all over and I did not have to run any more except for hurdles because I was really tired.
- What are you really proud of? Why? When I did my shot put because Kerri my Mum and I thought that I was really good at it but if I tried hard enough at the start I could have won a point for my team.
- What was the most challenging part? Why? Running because when every one past me I could not catch up and then I got stitch and it really hurt.
- Where to now? What are your goals for next time? Why do you want to focus on this? I think that next time I could maybe not sprint to hard at the start because then I ran out of breath on the second lap and thats what made me get stitch.
Catch me if you Can
Discovery Time
goal fish
Grasshopper Tennis
Hiwi the kiwi
Housing inquiry
maths and portfolio
My Art
My flag
my learning
My Word For This Year! (2016)
Te Reo
term 1
Term 3
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Description: Yesterday we did athletics we went to massy university to do it on their big running track we got free sausages and it was really cool we did lots of activities such as high jump, hurdles, running, shot put.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Maths Post
Discription: In maths we were told to make some serveys useing a type of graph to add up our votes we were able to ask about what ever we wanted in our slide my group Hannah, Ruby And I made a Pie graph asking what pies you like the reson we did this was because if we wanted to do a fundraiser we would know what type of pies are the best to sell and how many pies we would need to get it ended up that lots of people came to see our servey. here is our slide I hope you like it!
Our Pie Graph:
Our Pie Graph:
Book Buddies
Discription: This term we have been doing somthing called Book Buddies. Book Buddies is somthing when you get a form to fill in that shows what type of reader you are and then you hand it in to the the teacher and then the teachers try find a buddie for you that is about the same type of reader after you have your buddy you pick a book that you know both of you like and then every night for twenty minuets you read your book and if you are ever behind in your reading like if your buddy is on chapter seven and you are on chapter five you will have to talk to your buddy so you can catch up to them in your reading. My book buddy is Libby my best friend here is our slide we made togerher:
Our Slide:
Our Slide:
Prep/Market Day Slide
Description: For PREP we had to try come up with our own design of a product with two buddies but I only got one buddy that was Libby my best friend so we got along really well but we did have some times that one of us had and idea that liked but there buddy would not allow it and managing the money was really hard I hope you like our slide!
Our Slide:
Our Slide:
Description: In my writing we were told to make a description of a item but the item we are trying to sell is useless and pointless so once we thought of our idea and made a description that hooked people into your what your selling but once you have done that you had to make a poster and here is my poster!
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Risk Teaching
Description: A few weeks ago some of the year sixes have been chosen to take some risks. my risk was singing in front of a audience we had to do our risk through that week in the end we had to write down on our action sheet. A action sheet is about you recording what you have chosen and why and how you went through your risk and how you went with it. now we have been chosen to be teachers to the people who was not chosen to let them make there own risks and to think about how they can accomplish their risk. My student that I am helping to be a risk taker is Rebekah O here is her action plan of what risk she is doing and how she will accomplish it. also here are some pictures of us working together and trying to make her become a risk taker in her learning.
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Kapa Haka
Description: For Kapa Haka this term we have made a new song called paneketanga based on this terms goal (excellence).the song was based on the song Hall Of Fame. We had both a day performance and a live performance. My highlight was how we all worked together and we tried our best to keep on time with each other and what I found challenging was to remember all the lyrics to the song because it was really hard. Here are our performances.
Day Performance
Live performance
Feedback\Feedforward: Nice performance and I really liked your description and there is no feed forward. -Renae
Evaluation: Thanks Renea I think I had a good description too... but I think that I need a bit of feedforward next time because I think that in the performance I should have beed a bit louder but anyways thanks.
Day Performance
Live performance
Feedback\Feedforward: Nice performance and I really liked your description and there is no feed forward. -Renae
Evaluation: Thanks Renea I think I had a good description too... but I think that I need a bit of feedforward next time because I think that in the performance I should have beed a bit louder but anyways thanks.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Art With Nic And Troy
Description: For art this term we have been working on some self portraits. I think I showed excellence by using techniques that I don't usually use in my art so I think that that shows that I learnt something new in my learning.
Feedback&Feedforward: i love your art, i think you have done every thing that Nic has told you to,
i really love all the detail on on your face, to look at you and your self portrait it is like a identical twin, next time i think you explain more what you had to do more in the description what was your task, and it is good to know that you did knew things that you have not done before, Good job Gaby. Libby
Evaluation: Thank you Libby for the feedback and feedforward I agree that next time I should do more in my description and I like the detail on my face too and again thank you I really hoped you would like my art.
Feedback&Feedforward: i love your art, i think you have done every thing that Nic has told you to,
i really love all the detail on on your face, to look at you and your self portrait it is like a identical twin, next time i think you explain more what you had to do more in the description what was your task, and it is good to know that you did knew things that you have not done before, Good job Gaby. Libby
Evaluation: Thank you Libby for the feedback and feedforward I agree that next time I should do more in my description and I like the detail on my face too and again thank you I really hoped you would like my art.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Writing With Nic
Description: For writing this term we have been writing about a scene and our scene with Nic is a jungle and my story is about a girl getting lost I did not write what her name was or what she looked like because that is what the readers have to imagine here is my story I hope you like it.
Feedback&Feedforward: great work Gaby i love the way how you have described your story and where you are and how you feel, and i have no feedback for you all I have no it is great. Libby.
Evaluation: Thanks Libby for the feedback but I think that next time I could discribe the place where the girl was but other then that I think I did a great job and I hope you liked it as much as I did.
Feedback&Feedforward: great work Gaby i love the way how you have described your story and where you are and how you feel, and i have no feedback for you all I have no it is great. Libby.
Evaluation: Thanks Libby for the feedback but I think that next time I could discribe the place where the girl was but other then that I think I did a great job and I hope you liked it as much as I did.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Book Buddies
Description: This term we have been doing this thing called book buddies. book buddies is something when everyone gets a buddy and they both get the same book that they have agreed on and they have to read it but they have to keep in time with each other so lets say if i'm on chapter ten and my buddies on chapter five I would have to wait till they catch up and also we have a slide so we can keep track on whats going on in the book my buddy is Caitlin we both chose BFG the book written by Roald Dahl and so far we both love it we also got to choose a group name our group name is The Spectacular Readers! We both quite like the name because it is unique but here is our slide that we made for our reading.
Maths Pizza Fractions
Description: Today I was doing a pizza fraction activity for maths I was getting help by my friends to try find out the answer here is how I worked it out!
Feedback: I like the way you have included the image of what you had to copy off
Feedforward: No feedforward
Evaluation: I think I did good with working it all out but next time I could work it out myself to challenge myself.
Feedback: I like the way you have included the image of what you had to copy off
Feedforward: No feedforward
Evaluation: I think I did good with working it all out but next time I could work it out myself to challenge myself.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Evaluation: This term for our rich task we were learning about measurement we got a test to fill in and then we were told to say where we thing we were while doing our learning like if we hardly did anything we would put our paper in HELP ME! or if you did some you would be in IM STARTED! or if you are almost there you would put your paper in ALMOST THERE! but if you finished you would put your paper in MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! for my first one I put mine in Help me because I did not really understand the questions but in my second one I put it in almost there because then I understood what the questions were and how to do it.
Feedback&Feedforward: I think you did a great job and you did your best on your first test and i think you did a lot of improvement on your second one to get up a level 3. -Atlanta
Evaluation: Thanks Atlanta for your feedback and feedforward next time I will try to be even better and then I will be finished with that test.
Feedback&Feedforward: I think you did a great job and you did your best on your first test and i think you did a lot of improvement on your second one to get up a level 3. -Atlanta
Evaluation: Thanks Atlanta for your feedback and feedforward next time I will try to be even better and then I will be finished with that test.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Excellence Post
Description: This term our goal has been to work on Panekiretanga that means excellence I have been showing excellence quite allot through these few weeks. I have been not giving up so I have been accomplishing more in my learning time. and I think this term I have really improved on our goal. here is my slide about excellence.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Discovery Time Week 2
Description: Today we had Discovery time I was sewing (again... sorry I just really like sewing) I made a bow tie for my dad and a pillow for my little brother. I like sewing and I think I am really good at it I think I am going to sew for a living when I grow up. Here are some photos of my work...
Evaluation: I think I did quite good on my pillows but next time I think that I should do something else then sewing but what I found challenging was trying to stay on the lines and with sewing the V on for my little brothers pillow I found it hard because I had to try to keep focus on what I was doing so I would not go through the whole pillow.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Discovery Time
Description: Today we had discovery time discovery time is like a free time but you have to be doing things that are on a list of activities and you have to be doing something that you have not done before or if you have not done is bye your self! I tried sewing and I did quite good making some pillows and toys for my friends and family that did not get the chance to make anything!
Here is a photo of some things I make...
I made a heart pillow for my Mum a stripy heart for my sister a stripy truck for my little brother and a fish for my friend Ruby but the fish is not in the photo.
Evaluation: I think I did good because some people only did one or two things but I can't blame them I was sewing that whole time but sorry I cant help it I just really like sewing!
Feedback:I LOVE YOUR SEWING it is Amazing. Kiana
Feedforward: I dont know what u did wrong. Kiana
Here is a photo of some things I make...
I made a heart pillow for my Mum a stripy heart for my sister a stripy truck for my little brother and a fish for my friend Ruby but the fish is not in the photo.
Evaluation: I think I did good because some people only did one or two things but I can't blame them I was sewing that whole time but sorry I cant help it I just really like sewing!
Feedback:I LOVE YOUR SEWING it is Amazing. Kiana
Feedforward: I dont know what u did wrong. Kiana
Monday, 4 July 2016
SLC Post
If you did your SLC yesterday then we would like to you to reflect on that on your blog with these questions:
1) How do you think you did on your SLC? What was the highlight?
2) What did you do differently to make your SLC stand out?
3) How will you make your Home Led Conference in Term 3 be awesome? What things might you do to make it awesome?
1]A) I think I did quite well on my SLC because I shared allot what happened behind the scenes for my blog my highlight is how I described what happened and why we did all of the activities.
2]B) I did not make my SLC stand out I said I was going to do it but then it ended out looking and sounding like others.
3]C) To make my HLC next term be awesome I will try make it stand out not like this time and also try share a bit more of why we did the activities but other then that I think this terms SLC was great. 😀
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Kapa Haka Post
Description: Every Monday some of us go to kapa haka the others go to TeReo but all of us are learning about maori here is a video of us practicing.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Vq8JTFSycYk
Feedback:I love how the boys were moving back in one of the song i don't no what the song is called I no they did not get you in it but i think you did great.Zoey😜
Feedforward:I think you can did put more description because you always do a big description.
Evaluation: I think I did pretty good on this post but next time I could describe more about Kapa Haka for the people who don't know what it's all about.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/Vq8JTFSycYk
Feedback:I love how the boys were moving back in one of the song i don't no what the song is called I no they did not get you in it but i think you did great.Zoey😜
Feedforward:I think you can did put more description because you always do a big description.
Evaluation: I think I did pretty good on this post but next time I could describe more about Kapa Haka for the people who don't know what it's all about.
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Repeating Patterns (Math)
Description: I have been learning about repeating patterns Troy helped me because I was away for a few days and now I think I know what to do .
Evaluation: I think I did good but I found it a tiny bit tricky because I almost forgot one but other then that I found it super easy and I think I have already mastered that.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think that you have done amazing today for maths working independently while Yassmine and I were at a work shop but maybe next time you could show some of your working out in the picture.
- Hannah P
Feedback/Feedforward: I think that you have done amazing today for maths working independently while Yassmine and I were at a work shop but maybe next time you could show some of your working out in the picture.
- Hannah P
Monday, 6 June 2016
My Cross Country Goal
My goal for cross country today is to at least getting in front of someone because last time I came last so I wand to get in front of some people if I do I will be very proud of myself.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Description:Today I have made a video of me making a tornado in a bottle this is where I got the Experiment. For science we have been talking about weather I formed into a group with Patric, Libby and I. We were thinking of the idea for tornado in a bottle so we worked together to find the all the stuff and then we made it.
Click Here --> Experiment
Here is the video of me making a TORNADO!
Click Here --> Experiment
Here is the video of me making a TORNADO!
Feedback&FeedForward: I loved it it was a good formation of the tornado no feedforward. Kiana P
Evaluation:Thanks Kiana I really liked the video to but I think your being a bit to nice to me like there has to be something that I need to work on but thanks.🙂
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Today I had a workshop and I got allot done so I hope I can keep all the great work up!
I think I did well today but next time I want to do a bit more
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Description: During class time all the year sixes have been doing Japanese with Kelly while the year 5's are doing stuff with the teachers. In two weeks we are going to IPU on a bus. Here is some of my learning about Japanese put into a slide...
Evaluation:I am going well in Japanese I think that one day I will go to Japan and I will be able to talk to other people in there language.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think that you are doing so well this term for Japanese learning a new language but I think that you could do some home work on Japanese.
- Hannah P
Evaluation:I am going well in Japanese I think that one day I will go to Japan and I will be able to talk to other people in there language.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think that you are doing so well this term for Japanese learning a new language but I think that you could do some home work on Japanese.
- Hannah P
Monday, 16 May 2016
Today I had a workshop and we were learning about fractions and I think I did well during the workshop because I was really focused in my learning so I got allot done.
In Troy's class we have been learning about the weather and how it works Libby and I have been learning about how tornadoes form here is a link from James Spann hope you like what we have found out! Please copy and paste this in your webpage https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lmWh9jV_1ac
Description:Today I was doing my handwriting we do handwriting for 5 minutes handwriting is one of our priorities that I do every time for literacy I really like my handwriting because sometimes I will challenge myself then I can get better at it.
Feedback&Feedforward: i like the way that you wrote your words neatly maybe next time you could write it twice. Kiana P
Evaluation:I think I have done well for only one minute but next time I could do another poem with it.
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Today i found out what skimming is skimming is a way of finding out all the main facts in a book or anything so you don't have to sit there reading through the whole book to see if you like it or not and here is a little poster that helped us.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Description: Today for maths I had a workshop with Nic B. I was really focused even when people were trying to distract me, I just kept working and even in my independent time I got a lot done.Here are some images of what I have done today...
Evaluation: I think that I did good at not sitting next to blockers and getting all my work done but I found it hard to block the distracters around me out.
Feedback/Feedforward: I think that today you have been working so hard especially when people are distracting you. I think that next time you could maybe do your learning in your maths book but other than that I think you are doing great at maths.
- Hannah P
Feedback/Feedforward: I think that today you have been working so hard especially when people are distracting you. I think that next time you could maybe do your learning in your maths book but other than that I think you are doing great at maths.
- Hannah P
Monday, 9 May 2016
Description: Today for maths I had a workshop and we did lots of cool stuff with fractions but this is what I did in my independent time!
Evaluation: I think I have used my independent time wisely but next time I should use a NZCM book to get more work done.
Description: At school we have been working on our handwriting we wrote a poem in one minute and we judged each others handwriting I was in three but the best writing would go in four.
Evaluation: I think I did a great job but next time I don't think I should rush so much so I could of gotten into group four but since I was rushing I think that three was quiet good.
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Spelling Post
Description: We have been practicing our spelling to see what words we know and what words we need to work on the words the words with pink highlighting on it means I need to work on them I got twenty wrong out of three hundred in total here is my sheet.
Evaluation: I think that I have done well with most of them I next time I think I could do better on most of them because most of them look like that a year six should know them but on some words I just forgot one or two letters but other then that I think that I have done well.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Workshop Maths
Description: Today for maths I had a workshop with Nic B I was really focused so I got a lot of the questions right we were learning about different numbers for sizes of shapes but saying they are pies and each slice was a number of money. Here is the work that we did!
Feedback/Feedforward: I think that you are improving so much in your maths learning new maths questions and I think you could still work on it a bit but other than that you are doing an amazing job.
- Hannah P
Evaluation: Thanks Hannah I think I am Improving to but I do still have to work on a few things in my learning
Description:Today for maths I have done some individual learning only sitting next to drivers I was working really hard on this here it is!
Evaluation:I think I did well today but next time I could focus a bit more so I get more work done faster.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Hiwi The Kiwi!
Once upon a time my dad and I went fishing. We went so far out I had forgotten the way back home luckily we remembered everything. My life-jacket was a bit tight so I asked to stop and the next land we see so we stopped at a little beach and I loosened my life-jacket. After that we ad a little bit of a lunch break and then got back to the water. We saw lots of tiny fish but we past them all.... Then we saw a HUGE fish my dad got out his fishing pole and started to fish he came up to me with the huge fish with a wet towel but then I said... PUT THAT FISH BACK IN THE WATER NOOOOOW!!! so my Dad said WHY! so I said BECAUSE IT MIGHT HAVE DE BABIEZ! so he said OK BUT WHY ARE WE YELLING! I DON'T KNOW! I said so we stopped yelling. Then we saw a bunch of birds so I got out my water gun and went CRAZY! Guys its just a water gun it won't hurt them SO STOP YELLING AT ME! when I stopped yelling I looked down at the big blue bath tub and
Description: Today for math I had a work shop and I think I tried my hardest by knowing what to say when they tell us a question!
Evaluation: I think I tried my hardest today but next time I could do better because I think I can do more work than that and I should try sitting next to a driver.
Graffiti Art
Description: Last term troy was sick so a Chris came in as a reliever we did art it was a different type of art it was graffiti art it was based on our nicknames mine was GABZ it stands for gaby. first we did a practice then we did the real thing this is my finished piece.
Evaluation: I think I did my best on this piece but next time I might want to pick a different colour for my name background that doesn't blend in so well with the other background.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Starting My Labels
I am starting my new labels for the evidence of learning.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Student Led Conference Reflection
Description: After are student led conference we got to describe how we felt about it and I felt good about it because now I know that I can do more when people are listening to me and lucky for me I was being recorded!
Friday, 1 April 2016
Sharing My Work
Today I have been sharing my work with someone from university I really hope she liked it. the people that got to share there learning was the people who finished all there work and posted it on the evidence of learning and I was one of the people who finished!
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Writing With Scott
Description:We read a story called "Licked". We wrote down what it was about. We chose the ideas from the book and wrote about them. This is the result.
Me and my brother Joey wanted to pull a rat prank on our mum. She is extremely scared of rats.
When she was doing the dishes we put a giant fake rat in the cabinet so when she put away the plates she would get a huge fright. But then the plan backfired... Dad came home and he was hungry he walked in the kitchen and got out the cake from the fridge slowly crept to the cabinet and before We could say stop AHHHHH.
You kids are in big trouble we both quietly sneaked back to our rooms and locked the door. in the morning when he calms down we can make it up to him even though the plan didn't work it was still worth it. next time we need to think bigger and better I said yeah way bigger said joey.
Me and my brother Joey wanted to pull a rat prank on our mum. She is extremely scared of rats.
When she was doing the dishes we put a giant fake rat in the cabinet so when she put away the plates she would get a huge fright. But then the plan backfired... Dad came home and he was hungry he walked in the kitchen and got out the cake from the fridge slowly crept to the cabinet and before We could say stop AHHHHH.
You kids are in big trouble we both quietly sneaked back to our rooms and locked the door. in the morning when he calms down we can make it up to him even though the plan didn't work it was still worth it. next time we need to think bigger and better I said yeah way bigger said joey.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Description: At school we have chosen to do an Istatement video/Role play my group was doing a role play this is what we have finished!
Feedback\Feedforward:I thought that it was a good video but I could not understand you guys that well -Maya
Evaluation:Thank You Maya for the feedback and feedforward next time I will try do more to make our voices louder -Gaby F
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
My Camp Writing
Entertain: Humor writing
P persuade
I inform
E entertain
S self
E entertain
S self
Feedback: It's a great story but there are some mistakes like punctuation -Patrick
Thursday, 17 March 2016
My Whakapapa
Description: In class I have been at kapa haka and all the people doing ETReo Has been making a whakapapa and so all the kapa haka people Have done it to.
Feedback\FeedForward: I liked how you remembered every one in your family and you took your time and exfert in this and you did a great job. next you could see if you could get a photo of every body not just yourself -Hannah G
Evaluation: Thanks Hannah for the great feedback and feedforward and I really did take my time and effort Into all of this but next time I will try add a few more people and try remember a few more names.
Feedback\FeedForward: I liked how you remembered every one in your family and you took your time and exfert in this and you did a great job. next you could see if you could get a photo of every body not just yourself -Hannah G
Evaluation: Thanks Hannah for the great feedback and feedforward and I really did take my time and effort Into all of this but next time I will try add a few more people and try remember a few more names.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
2016 Camp Portfolio Post
Description:On Tuesday all the year fives and sixes went to camp and we did ten activities threw the past three days for the first dinner we had nachos and for desert we had apple crumble. For my first activity I did was Team Initiative. after dinner we did our skit practice and then we wrote in our camp diaries. Once we had finished that we got into our PJ's and got into bed. The second night was the same but before bed we had a bomb fire while we all ate smores.
FeedBack\FeedForward: Good job Gaby you put allot of effort into describing your week and I hope you keep It that way - Zoey
Thursday, 3 March 2016
OneWord 2016
Description: We have been working on something called a one word a one word is something that is you are focusing on for this year my one word is agency I chose this word because I think that I called work on doing that and try show agency more.
Feedback\Feedforward: I like all the little characters on your letters, I don't think you have anything to work on. Abby I
Evaluation: Thanks Abby For giving me Good feedback and feedforward I will try my best to keep my work this good.
Monday, 29 February 2016
Buddy Time
Description: For buddy time we have chosen to make something that us and our buddy can talk about to get to know each other. Me and my buddy are aiming to make a poster but if we have spare time we will put our self in the learning pit and try to make a movie to.
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Description: We have been talking about busy listening me to listening, and active listening we have chosen our groups and made a movie
Image: Here is my movie!
Big Idea: my big idea is to show how to do active listening and how to do busy listening busy listening is when you are to busy to notice what people are saying and active listening is when you are listening carefully and giving good feedback and some times nodding when they are talking but the most important thing when your listening is to make eye contact so they know your listening
Feedback Feedforward: i think you did great at making the movie but next time you may want to make it stand out more so people will be hooked into the video -Libby
Evaluation: Thanks Libby for the feedback and feedforward I also think I should make it more interesting so people will be hooked into my movie and thanks for the nice feedback I want my goal to be me trying to hook people into my post
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Treaty Of Waitangi
Description: in poutama we have been talking about the treaty of waitangi and what happend some of us has formed into groups to make a image about the treaty I am now working with yassmine but we just help each other.
Feedback/Feedforward: Next time I think you should make your words on your poster a bit bigger and make the posters bigger. I think you did well at making the post make sense -Ruby
Thanks ruby for your feedback and feedforward I will be sure to work on making my words bigger and I will also try and fix that up next time to. I think I am multi because I included more than three interesting information but next time i'm going to aim for relational.
BigIdea: I have learned that the Europeans sailed to NZ to find new land. They made an agreement with the Maori people but it was translated wrong so there are lots of arguments. The treaty was supposed to stop the arguments.

Thanks ruby for your feedback and feedforward I will be sure to work on making my words bigger and I will also try and fix that up next time to. I think I am multi because I included more than three interesting information but next time i'm going to aim for relational.
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Buddy Time Challenge
Description: We have been doing some buddy time challenges the house leaders have been working on this years buddy time challenge. We do buddy time challenge each year with our buddies.
W.A.L.T: My walt is to finish all the buddy challenges with my buddy before I leave this school.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Maths Challange
Description: In Maths We have been learning 15 cards, 15 cards is a maths challenge. You need to find the answers that match the problem. Our Maths Teacher James taught us how to do it, then we got a task to do our own. I went with Zara and Aria. We did a subtraction one!
Here it is:
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
The Treaty Of Waitangi Questions
The Treaty Of waitangi Day
Made By Gaby
Description: Today we have been learning about waitangi day and how it was made. we all got to choose some questions and so I picked these ones.
1. Why do we celebrate waitangi day. We celebrate the day because we are celebrating the signing of the treaty of waitangi.
2. Why did the Europeans sail to new Zealand. They wanted to know more about the treaty and wanted to expand it.
Evaluation: I think I picked well on my questions but next time i want to work on finding more questions so my post can be more detailed.
Monday, 1 February 2016
#1 Word
W.A.L.T: Setting A Goal For This Year.
Description: This year we have chosen one word to try and achieve by the end of this year. My word is agency. That means that I can do something without being told to do it like cleaning my room (And I am the best at doing that in my family).
Evaluation: I think I chose a good word for me to try achieve for this year because I need to work on doing my work without being told to and I think that I am improving on that very well.
Description: This year we have chosen one word to try and achieve by the end of this year. My word is agency. That means that I can do something without being told to do it like cleaning my room (And I am the best at doing that in my family).
Evaluation: I think I chose a good word for me to try achieve for this year because I need to work on doing my work without being told to and I think that I am improving on that very well.
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