Description: In poutama we have been spit up into three groups Elly is doing report writing Rebecca is doing descriptive words and Troy Is doing Poetry I am In Troys group and we have been learning about Cinquains, Limericks, Free Verse Poetry and ect.
Big Idea: Click Here For Big Idea
Evaluation: I think I did well at making the poem rhyme but next time I should make the poem longer so the reader can read more to get more hooked in.
Catch me if you Can
Discovery Time
goal fish
Grasshopper Tennis
Hiwi the kiwi
Housing inquiry
maths and portfolio
My Art
My flag
my learning
My Word For This Year! (2016)
Te Reo
term 1
Term 3
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Sunday, 29 November 2015
My Cinquain
Description: For writing I have been doing poetry with Troy we have been doing lots of different types of poetry and this type is called a cinquain poetry for cinquain poetry you use how many syllables are in the words like puppy has two syllables.
2 Bark Bark,
4 Sleep ,Snore ,Sleep ,Snore,
6 Mailman ,Woof ,Woof ,Chasing,
8 Digging ,Barking ,Running Away,
2 Puppy
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Description: Every Thursday I have been doing inquiry with James we have been doing 3D printing
It has been fun because we can make cool plastic toys using SketchUp.
I think it will benefit kids in the future because they might like to play with the cool things we make.
I am thinking outside the box by trying to make way cooler things like planes and spaceships.
this is the spongebob I made it was quite hard work but for some reason it did not want to print.
this it my monkey I don't think we have tried to print it yet but I hope it works.
It has been fun because we can make cool plastic toys using SketchUp.
I think it will benefit kids in the future because they might like to play with the cool things we make.
I am thinking outside the box by trying to make way cooler things like planes and spaceships.
this is the spongebob I made it was quite hard work but for some reason it did not want to print.
this it my monkey I don't think we have tried to print it yet but I hope it works.
I have finished my spongebob and this is how it turned out.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Blooms Questions
- What is your opinion of the bikers. Do you think they should fly or do you they should leave the place they are.
They should fly because that might be a way out.
- Do you think the place they are at is a trap that is meant to keep them there for ever.
No I think they are supposed to get out
- What do you think Nareen’s reaction to the bikers and the message is.
Scared,Hopeful,Wanting To Run
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Dear Diary
Strange things are happening at home my brother Is starting to grow fur and howl at a full moon my dad is getting odder and odder every day yesterday he said he was going to cook and it was actually good my mom is turning in to my dad she is starting to hammer stuff together with no care at all and today she made a tree house in ten seconds and my sister who knows what my sister is turning in to she started to eat out of the cats bowl and whenever I get near she scurries of out side and she almost jumped over a fence and funniest thing yet my cat it talking and standing on two legs and me you don't want to know what I turned Into
what now life couldn't get any worse
Dear Diary
we some how got back to normal except my house turned Into a...
Blooms Questions
- What is your opinion of the bikers and do you think that they are there to stop them.
Yes otherwise why would they be there.
- Do you think Nareen has been caught in a trap when she goes through the go past go.
- IN YOUR OWN WORDS DESCRIBE HOW Kelly and carl are feeling when Nareen went through the go pass go.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Free Verse Poetry
Ghost Train
I stepped in the train it starts to rumble another train bumps into the back of us.
The man says keep your hands and legs inside the vehicle at all times so we duck down.
My dad takes our caps off so they won't fall off it was
so loud I regret coming.
It smelt real bad in there it smelt like old people like real old people and it smelt like rotten eggs sorry for the man who made this place i'm telling you it was BAD!
Vampires jump scared us as we came out I felt proud of my self.
my little brother could not even speak I gave him a pat on the back my dad says that was a waste of $18 I said.
We want a refund.
Evaluation: next time I could improve making it rhyme and I could make the story more detailed so the reader will get more hooked in.
Monday, 26 October 2015
blooms questions
List 3 ideas of where you think carl has gone
1. To another planet
2. Inside a tornado
3. sucked into the spiral chrysalis
discribe the place you think carl is
1. scary
2. dark
3. like death
what question would you ask in an interview with nareens dad
1. why don't you get along with your wife?
why do you think nareens parents don't get along?
1. beacause one of them did not want a child.
based on what you know , how would you explain carls disappearance?
1. sucked into another demotion
create a new character for this story charlie brown carls older OLDER brother Very annoying
List 3 ideas of where you think carl has gone
1. To another planet
2. Inside a tornado
3. sucked into the spiral chrysalis
discribe the place you think carl is
1. scary
2. dark
3. like death
what question would you ask in an interview with nareens dad
1. why don't you get along with your wife?
why do you think nareens parents don't get along?
1. beacause one of them did not want a child.
based on what you know , how would you explain carls disappearance?
1. sucked into another demotion
create a new character for this story charlie brown carls older OLDER brother Very annoying
Sunday, 18 October 2015
discovery time
today for discovery time I played minecraft pc.
I showed creativity by making a minecraft SPCA.
I showed agency by being kind to people around me.
I showed excellence by making it look my best.
next week for DT I am going to make a door for the bathroom and make the counter look better.
I showed creativity by making a minecraft SPCA.
I showed agency by being kind to people around me.
I showed excellence by making it look my best.
next week for DT I am going to make a door for the bathroom and make the counter look better.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Pre Reading Task Week 1 Term 4
- What made you choose this book? I chose this book because it looks very cool and when I read the blurb it made me inspired to read it.
What appeals to you? I think that book appeals to me because it gives me ideas what to read next because the author of the book would of tried to get people hooked in to the story because most of the story stands out allot.
- What hooked you in? I got hooked in by the blurb that said it had monsters and dragons because I like fantasy books so I think this is a good book for me.
- What hooked you in? I got hooked in by the blurb that said it had monsters and dragons because I like fantasy books so I think this is a good book for me.
What appeals to you? I think that book appeals to me because it gives me ideas what to read next because the author of the book would of tried to get people hooked in to the story because most of the story stands out allot.
1. Title - The Spiral Chrysalis sounds like a scary but fun title so I wanted to read It the reason why I picked it is because it looks scary and I like scary books I wonder what Chrysalis means the book is very tempting to read because of its cover.
2. Cover Design - I think the illustrations look a bit scary because it looks like there is blood on the book and the spirals look like ghosts zooming threw the page but I know its not real because its just fantasy and so its not real.
3. blurb - the blurb really hooks me in because it talks about fantasy and I like fantasy books so I think this book would be good for me and the blurb makes me want to read more and more until I finish but once I finish that one I will want a second book just like the.
4. Predictions - I think the set is in frozen vale and I think that they are trying to save there friend called kelly I think that kelly is screaming for help but they don't know witch way kelly got kidnapped.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
tictactoe Never Say Can't
Never Say Cant
Description: A tictactoe is an activity that we do at reading time we have to finish them on Wednesday.
evaluation: I think I did well for my TicTacToe for today because I learnt about you can always do it you just have to keep trying.
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Description: In maths we have been learning to use known facts a known fact is splitting up numbers and join them back together in an easier way
Big Idea:
I used skip counting in fives to do the first one.
I used money for the second one I got six five doller notes and six two doller coins we added them together so it was $30 + $12 =$42
evaluation: I think I did well at skip counting in fives but next time I'll need to put my self in the learning pit.
feedback\feedforward: Gaby i think you did a great job but next time you could us a different strategy. Jasmine
Big Idea:
I used skip counting in fives to do the first one.
evaluation: I think I did well at skip counting in fives but next time I'll need to put my self in the learning pit.
feedback\feedforward: Gaby i think you did a great job but next time you could us a different strategy. Jasmine
Te Reo Portfolio sample term 3
Description:in et Te Reo we have been doing our māori body parts. We have been singing a song that is called to Tinana Ki roto. It is a bit hard but we learnt it so I hope you enjoy my blog post. Our advice is going to be for year 5's .
Image/I Movie
Big idea:we have to make something that can help someone learn māori so we did a video about the action and the post
Evaluation:I think I did well but I may have to work on being in time with the song and with kate and ashlee and try to not clap to fast.
Feedback/Feedforward:i think you did well in making the video humerus. maybe next time you could try not to giggle.
Image/I Movie
To Tinana Ki Roto - YouTube
Evaluation:I think I did well but I may have to work on being in time with the song and with kate and ashlee and try to not clap to fast.
Feedback/Feedforward:i think you did well in making the video humerus. maybe next time you could try not to giggle.
Dear David
I think that we should add discovery time for poutama again because right now all we are doing is wearable arts and that’s just like art what we used to do but in wearable arts we can’t make cool clay animations or play with moon dough and in wearable arts you have to do it by yourself and in discovery time you can do it with as many people as you like.
Monday, 7 September 2015
Writing Portfolio Sample
Writing Portfolio Sample
Movie Script: My Life
By Gaby Furness
Setting: At Hannah’s house, in the middle of a sunny day.
Gaby: (in Hannah’s bedroom, sat on the floor): What should we do?
Hannah: Do you want to make something?
Gaby: umm ok?
Gaby: but what are we gonna make?
Hannah: … I don’t know
Gaby: umm wanna try make a doll dress?
Hannah: ok but it’s gonna have to be a bunny dress
Gaby: Fine ok lets get to work
Gaby: … but first a SNACK!
Hannah: fine but we will have to ask my mum
Gaby: (walks to the kitchen) can we have a snack please?
Hannah: MUM! were hungry
Hannah’s mum: ok but you to will have to stop shouting and do something that is not to noisy anyway we will be going soon to drop of sam to swimming.
Sam: yea so you guys better be good
hannah: (whispers) shut up sam
Hannah’s mum: I heard that. now get ready you two
hannah: ok lets get ready to go to my brothers stupid swimming
sam: hurry up I’m gonna be late
Hannah’s mum:no where going to be half an hour early
sam: …
hannah: lets go play with maggie
gaby: ok (walks outside with hannah)
hannah: hi maggie (she said in a babyish voice)
maggie: WOOF (jumps up on legs and licks slobbery spit on Gaby)
gaby: ewww gross (puts shoes on)
hannah: his breath stinks doesn't it
hannah: MUAHAHA
gaby: What !?!
hannahs mum: come on sam is going to be late
hannah: (puts shoes on quickly)
gaby: (rushes to the door)
hannah: (walks slowly to door)
hannah: fine
(drives to the ledo quickly)
(drives back)
gaby: now lets do something
hannah: let’s make something (runs to office grabs fabric and rushes to room)
(makes a bunny dress with white fabric and cyan buttons)
hannah: (grabs bunny puts on bunny)
gaby: she looks FABULOUS!
hannah: yes she does (said in a funny accent)
The End
My goal for writing is using similes I can achieve that goal by using them in my writing.
Description: In writing we are writing about our life or someone in our life so I did mine about my friend hannah my writing is a movie script I hope you like it.
Big Idea: my goal is similes I have achieved this goal by using them in my writing
Evaluation: I think I did well but I need to add some more similes into It.
Feedback/Feedforward:I think you did good but you may have to work more on using more similes for your writing.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Drama with Rebecca
description: we have been learning drama with Rebecca on a Thursday afternoon we have been playing some fun games that help us use persuasive language for a game called hot seating its when we have to sit on a seat and act as a character while people ask questions and you have to reply to them.
image: this is me as my teddy bear for you cant take me
big idea: are W.A.L.T (to use my voice well,to use good ideas,to act in roll,and to be aware of my audience, and to make it interesting) my favourite drama activity was hot seating because when you reply you can be thinking outside of the box so it was more fun.
Evaluation: I think I did well at using my voice well but I may have to work on my body.
Feedback/Feedforward:wow it sounds like fun i wonder what you are i think you did a good job at being what ever it was you wore being and in the you can't take me you had three good reasons is to why Rebecca could not take you.Mabe next time you could talk a little bit more about the hot seating and how it worked but doing drama sounds so fun #ASHLEE
big idea: are W.A.L.T (to use my voice well,to use good ideas,to act in roll,and to be aware of my audience, and to make it interesting) my favourite drama activity was hot seating because when you reply you can be thinking outside of the box so it was more fun.
Evaluation: I think I did well at using my voice well but I may have to work on my body.
Feedback/Feedforward:wow it sounds like fun i wonder what you are i think you did a good job at being what ever it was you wore being and in the you can't take me you had three good reasons is to why Rebecca could not take you.Mabe next time you could talk a little bit more about the hot seating and how it worked but doing drama sounds so fun #ASHLEE
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
tictactoe activitys
Kid president
here is the video to help you understand
I think kid president is trying to tell us that you have to keep trying over and over again to get it right sometimes it takes about 300 times to get something right and also I think he is trying to say that if we go to school we will get smart if every single day we learn you properly will be the smartest at school.
this is what I would say if I was doing a PEP TALK!
I would say that not everyone is perfect at learning you will have to be REAL GOOD at learning to be perfect but sorry to say this but nobody is perfect everyone has something to work on and evan the smartest people had to learn to be the smartest but here is the main point if you have not got it yet nobody is perfect but everybody is good at something.
Kid president
here is the video to help you understand
I think kid president is trying to tell us that you have to keep trying over and over again to get it right sometimes it takes about 300 times to get something right and also I think he is trying to say that if we go to school we will get smart if every single day we learn you properly will be the smartest at school.
this is what I would say if I was doing a PEP TALK!
I would say that not everyone is perfect at learning you will have to be REAL GOOD at learning to be perfect but sorry to say this but nobody is perfect everyone has something to work on and evan the smartest people had to learn to be the smartest but here is the main point if you have not got it yet nobody is perfect but everybody is good at something.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Wearable art production term 3
Description: At school we have been doing wearable arts I am in troys group he is doing elements I am doing earth so here is my planing.
1) The materials that I used to create my garment were: Green fabric wire flax paper mache and masking tape
2) The most challenging thing about production for me was: to brad all the flax
3) One way I demonstrated a growth mindset during production was: not giving up2) The most challenging thing about production for me was: to brad all the flax
5) Our school vision is to create agency, creativity and excellence. I showed this by: taking responsibility

this is my finished piece
BigIdea: I have made a tree hat and a mountain dress and a tree staff my dress has flax coming out of it to be grass.
Evaluation: I think I did well but I may have to try to work on making the flax stay down and making my hat stay on while I walk around.
Feedback/FeedForward:I love that hat that you made i love it that you put some detail to it and you put a nest in there with eggs but the dress i think that you should cut the leaves so it is the same. kiana
Saturday, 8 August 2015
summarising week3 term2
description: In reading we are doing some tictactoes my tictactoe is about finding the key words and picking which one is main point a tictactoe is an activity for us to do every week and we have to finish it by Wednesday. my goal is summarising. I chose summarising because i think in need to work on summarising my work. Here are some examples of my work.
big idea: I have learned how to find the key words/main words to shorten the story and tell them in my own words.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
world body painting competition
description:for a tic tac toe activity in summarising we made a report about the world body painting competition.
click here for the report.
Monday, 27 July 2015
shark attack
description:This man survives shark attack unharmed click here to see the video
description:This man survives shark attack unharmed click here to see the video
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
tic-tac-toe activitys
In reading we have been doing tic tac toe activities and this is what I did
this is knoword it helps us learn words and guess what word it is.
this is knoword it helps us learn words and guess what word it is.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
science with suzanne
Description:In science with Suzanne we have been making a video about the digestive system. We have been looking at all kinds of different animal poo to help us with our video. ( Suzanne planted the animal poo in the garden to see what the poo would do to the soul).
success criteria:we need
*lots of interesting details about digestion that our audience won’t know
Big Idea: Digestion is all about breaking the food down into tiny bits so it is small enough to travel around in your blood to feed your body and give it energy. We have been learning about the digestive system and have been making a video about it to show other people what the digestive system does in our tummy. So my group and I have made an animation to show you guys about it. Her is the finishing results.
success criteria:we need
*lots of interesting details about digestion that our audience won’t know
*clear explanations about each stage of the digestion process by talking clearly and loudly, and using specific science vocabulary
*clear images to help your audience understand new information and facts
*humour/interesting detail to keep the audience engaged
*clear images to help your audience understand new information and facts
*humour/interesting detail to keep the audience engaged
Big Idea: Digestion is all about breaking the food down into tiny bits so it is small enough to travel around in your blood to feed your body and give it energy. We have been learning about the digestive system and have been making a video about it to show other people what the digestive system does in our tummy. So my group and I have made an animation to show you guys about it. Her is the finishing results.
Feedback/Feedforward: Well Done!! When I watched the video it made me proud. I think that our group was a great team. You did a great job on talking about how the food goes into our mouths because I know that you had been working on the pronunciation for a long time. Maybe next time you could work on giving more information to the audience so after they have watched the video they would have learned more about the digestive system.
Evaluation: In science with Suzanne we have been learning about the digestive system for term 2. I think I did well on getting all the information into the sort part but my group and I had a little trouble getting into the use it part. My goal for next term is going to be to do the get it and sort it part a bit more faster by cooperating with my team so we can get to the use it part faster.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
ET REO post term 2 2015
description:When Kapa Haka kids go to practise us et Reo children have been learning what different foods are called in Maori.
this is my et reo video
big idea:We did a video of us asking do you like some type of food and saying it in moari.
evaluation:I think I did good but I need to work on not sounding like a robot or looking like Im reading off a peace of a paper.
this is my et reo video
big idea:We did a video of us asking do you like some type of food and saying it in moari.
evaluation:I think I did good but I need to work on not sounding like a robot or looking like Im reading off a peace of a paper.
writing term 2 2015
In writing we have been writing about a picture and writing what we think what happened In the picture here is what I think what happened.
here is the picture we had to write about.
feedback/feedforward: If you look closely you can see that you have paragrafs but since you skipped lines next time you write with paragrafs you could skip 2 lines so people can actually actually see!
evaluation:I think I did well with adding detail but I need to work on my punctuation.
feedback/feedforward: If you look closely you can see that you have paragrafs but since you skipped lines next time you write with paragrafs you could skip 2 lines so people can actually actually see!
evaluation:I think I did well with adding detail but I need to work on my punctuation.
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