Catch me if you Can
Discovery Time
goal fish
Grasshopper Tennis
Hiwi the kiwi
Housing inquiry
maths and portfolio
My Art
My flag
my learning
My Word For This Year! (2016)
Te Reo
term 1
Term 3
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
- WALT: ask questions as we read to make sure we understand what we read.
Remember we can question before we read…
What is this going to be about? What do I already know that will help me understand? what do I want to find out?
We can question as we read…
what does that mean? what is going to happen next? what else do I want to know?
We can question after we read…
does that make sense? what have I learned? have I answered my earlier questions? what else do I want to know?
- I learned to: read and know what it actually means because I have been rereading, and sometimes I ask questions to make sure it all makes sense.
- Most challenging was: trying not to accidentally read different sentences when I am trying to reread
- Next step is to: think hard about questions and predictions before I start reading to help it all make sense.
Remember to try and ask different types of questions, some thick and some thin.
Sharing my Story
Sharing our Stories
We have been creating a variety of art pieces this term. These pieces are all about ourselves and sharing our stories. We have used different media like collage, watercolour, crayon and clay to create our art. We are beginning to make choices as artists. Each piece of art shares a little about us.
WALT: share our stories and ideas through art.
WALT: explore a variety of media and make choices about how we want our finished piece to look
Success criteria: * our message is clear
* our art represents us
* we have tried different media
* we choose the media to create the effect we want
I Think
My Buddy Thinks
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my message is clear
yes it is :)
my art represents me
mosty my art...
most of your art
I have tried different media
watercolor and dye paint.
dye paint?
i dont think we used dye paint...
I choose media to create the effect I wanted
normal paint that is it & i don’t Know what else there is
yea? hmmm what dose that mean
my favourite media is… because
dye paint because you can make enything
do you mean water colour?
Sunday, 6 April 2014
My Kotahitanga learning
Term One Value
Kotahitanga (Unity/Togetherness)
Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways in which we think and act. In fact everything we do reflects our values!
WALT: Show kotahitanga with our little buddies from Busy
Task: Create a poster showing kotahitanga
Success Criteria:
- Include a clear Image
- Include our name and our buddies name
- Show and explain kotahitanga (working together)
- Our poster makes sense
How am I going showing?
I think
My buddy thinks
by helping her learn and also teaching my self.
I REALLY think you are a great friend and you help out…
by sharing my ideas and thoughts.
YOU do share alot like ideas and thinking or stuff like…… toys or what ever….
by cooperating together.
REALLY you do…. I have really see you working well in a team...
Looking out for each other
its like if your buddy gets hurt you help them up.
What of the above attributes above do you feel is strongest for you?
maintenance for maths because it is making my brain better
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What of the following attributes do you feel you need to improve on?
I need to get better at my maths and reading
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How do I feel about kotahitanga?
I would love you share more of your ideas and thinking during class discussions and to help out your team more when we are playing team games like flags.
learning to learn
WALT: Learning to Learn
Success Criteria:
- know what I am learning to do
- I know what I need to to to get better
- I plan activities that are going to help my learning
- I follow my plan
- use my learning time wisely (complete my activities on time)
We are on the path to becoming self directed learners in Adventure 9. This means we are beginning to make choices that help us grow as learners. We know what we are learning and what we need to do to get better.
We plan our week choosing activities that are going to help us reach our goals. We plan using the must dos and can dos.
I think
My Buddy thinks
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I know what I am learning
sometimes because i need to listen
yaa I agree really you need to listen…. To Kerri
I know what I need to do to get better
i need to be more sensible for my learning
You need to get better at being more sensible…..on the mat
I plan activities that are going to help my learning
sometimes because i don’t really know what to do
I follow my plan
yes but at maths i don’t really know what to do
YAA sort of
I use my learning time wisely
most of the time but i do not do much with it
sort of
Remember to plan the teach time then the must dos first. Fill in any gaps with the can dos. If you are finding maths challenging then you may need to plan extra time to finish the must dos.
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